WANG, Allan

WANG, Allan

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Allan Wang, (1969-) Taiwanese, was born in Taipei. He began his composition study with Professor Tsung-Hsien Yang (1952- ) and Professor Yu-Shu Chang (1959-) at Soochow University. After taken bachelor and master degree from Taiwan, he further studied Educational Technology with Dr. Albert Strickland at Idaho State University in America.

Since 2012 Allan has been teaching the musical theory and composition at Chinese Cultural University, where he concentrates on commercial applications including Audio Engineering, Performing Arts and Cultural and Creative Industry.

Allan has been commissioned by ZhongHua Chinese Orchestra, Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Yamaha Musical Foundation, Benesse Taiwan Corporation, Detekt Design Technology and well-known Taiwanese performers. He won twice of Electric Original Composition Award and Prize in 1998-1999 and presented in The Overall Educational Research Conference at Tokyo. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Department of Chinese Music in Chinese Cultural University.


* link to " NCAF online Archive of Grant Fruitages "website (in Chinese)

Title Instrumentation Year Duration