HUANG, Jinya

HUANG, Jinya

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Jinya Huang, composer and sound artist from Taïwan, works including electroacoustic music and visual-audio installation, often utilizing “recorded actual sound” as main material in creation, attempting to rebuild the linguisticality of quotidian sound and presenting its divergency, ambiguity and sensation. Tend to use diary-style timed recording technique to converge sound materials, combining different time and space and revealing their difference and différance, defining the whole process as an mimicry organism.

University of Paris VIII - Master of Musicology

Taipei National University of the Arts - Bachelor of fine arts

Selected works
Selected works
Title Instrumentation Year Duration NCAF-funded
Avant mibetik 2019-20

* link to " NCAF online Archive of Grant Fruitages "website (in Chinese)

Title Instrumentation Year Duration
Avant mibetik 2019-20