SHIH, Pei-Yu

SHIH, Pei-Yu

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Pei-Yu SHIH, a composer of instrumental, vocal and electroacoustic music, specializing in music composition & composition theory [computer music, music & sound theater, musical], audio visual & cross disciplinary arts, performing arts. She received a PhD degree from University of Birmingham, UK., a soloist diploma from Music University Karlsruhe Germany, a master degree of Taipei National University of Arts, Taiwan. Her works have been conferred several international awards, including four first prizes separately from Germany, Portugal, Italy[International Composition Competition Musica Viva for Electroacoustic Music, Berlin-Rheinsberger Komposition Preis for Overall works, International Composition Competition Suono Sonda for Chamber Music, Audio and Video Production-audio part], and performed by international contemporary as well as electroacoustic music/art festivals in Asia, USA, Canada, and European countries. She has received international scholarships and commissions, for her work idea she was interviewed by Taiwanese, German, French, and Italian media. During her German residency she was a visiting artist/composer at the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and the Institute of Language and Communication at the Technical University Berlin, receiving commissioned work by Berlin Government and was the jury member of modern music and sound art Berlin.

Her works have been displayed six art creation-periods from 1994 to now. She has integrated tradition, modern and computer music languages to develop her personal musical art system, at the same time she has engaged in cross-disciplinary art creation, interpreting and producing her own works that she has transformed literature, philosophy and aesthetic meaning to music construction; by structuring tone/sound to narrate, sculpt, and to form atmospheres and visual senses, theatrical tensions and contrasts; to present experimentation of music creations in form, expression, organization, construction and variation, to reflex a multiple personal artistic style. 


Work outline
◼Instrumental music [1994-2011]
Traditional instruments; western instruments; traditional and western instruments combination
◼Computer music [2001-2017]
Electronic and electroacoustic music; dance and film music; music theatre incl. immersive sound flied creation; vocal and digital media
◼Images and audiovisual works [2011-2020]
Personal website; digital electronic/electroacoustic series; digital fairy tale; poetry set; songbook series
◼Writings [2011-2021]
Handling plan and research report; paper; fiction; prose; poem; lyric; ballade; fairy tale

Selected works (Please wear headphones)
Selected works (Please wear headphones)




Orchestral/Concerto Works
Title Instrumentation Year Duration NCAF-funded
Qin Yue Orchestra 2006 7'21"
Vocal Works/Choral
Title Instrumentation Year Duration NCAF-funded
Poetry set Voice & electroacoustic/electronic music 2012-2015 28'28"
Darf ich dich zum Tanzen einladen? Soprano & electronic music 2012 0'21''
Fairy Tale [MA und AH] Soprano [incl. story telling and singing] and electronic music 2012 Chinese version 48'40''
Gang Soprano & electronic music 2012 4'46''
Songbook series Singer & electronic music 2012 51'06"
Cursive Flute, soprano and violoncello 2003 5'05''
Lieder ohne Wort Accapella 2000 8'15''
Strange head line Mezzo soprano and piano 1997 5'21''
Chamber Music Works
Title Instrumentation Year Duration NCAF-funded
Girasole Trumpet, tube, two percussion groups, piano, voice, guitar, violoncello 2011 34'05"
Compress Di, liuqin, pipa, yangqin, percussion, erhu 2009 7'30"
Quatet Four bassons 2008 2'06"
Mono Panflute, bassrecorder, qanun, perc., erhu, viola da gamba, di 2006 7'30"
Inclining Four percussion groups 2005 3'21''
Entstanden Zerbrochen Flute, clarinet, guitar, piano, percussion, violin, violoncello 2004 8'55''
Augenblick Accordion and violoncello 2002 3'19''
Cao Qie Di, sheng, liuqin, pipa, yangqin, percussion 2002 5'25''
Mountain Ghoust Di, percussion, harp, violoncello 1997 6'17''
Si Ming Pipa, liuqin, sanzian, yangqin 1997 13'44"
Turn Round Two yangqings and percussion 1997 5'21"
…Besides Pipa and piano 1996 12'33''
Gu Yuan Di, huqin, pipa 1995 6'20"
Ler SHI Di, pipa, sanxian, yangqin, huqin 1995 8'10''
Strange Land Flute, oboe, basson, yangqin, percussion and stringtrio 1995 12'30"
Zhao Sheng Five percussion groups 1995 10'06"
Reincarnation Bass-flute, bass-clarinet and piano 1994 22'05"
Solo Instrumental Works
Title Instrumentation Year Duration NCAF-funded
Maerchenetueden Piano 2010-2011 7'57''
An etude Flute 2005 2'13"
Ich singe allein Violin 2005 6'05"
Tintenfarbe Clarinet 2003 7'10"
Die Huo Yangqin 1994 4'21"
Title Instrumentation Year Duration NCAF-funded
Electroacoustic and electronic music series Multichannel audio see note 115'30"
Escape Electronic music 2015 1'29''
Waiting Electronic music 2012 3'30''
Dream's Scene Multichannel audio 2012 1'16''
Dreieckige Beziehungen Multichannel audio 2012 5'41''
Flying I-IV Multichannel audio 2012 7'38''
Bird Multichannel audio 2010 3'54''
Milchstrasse Multichannel audio 2010 11'35''
F's 65 Multichannel audio 2009 1'05''
Red Chamber Multichannel audio 2009 7'41''
Abrupter Abbruch Contrabass and 6 loudspeakers 2008 6'54''
Slow Slow Tune Flute, clarinet, piano, violin, violoncello and 8 loudspeakers 2008 9'00"
Gedicht vom Wind des Herbstes Saxophone, piano, percussion and 8 loudspeakers 2007 10'23''
Fall, aus der Zeit Multichannel audio 2006 9'55''
Liu An Huwa Ming Multichannel audio 2006 7'58''
Zwei singende Klarinette Clarinet and multichannel audio 2006 10'00"
I am another yourself Pipa, light and 4 loudspeakers 2005 11'58''
Schein und Sein II Computer piano, a pianist and multichannel audio 2005 5'30''
Blume Hand Laecheln Percussion and 6 loudspeakers 2004 11'25''
Brennede Gedanken 4 loudspeaker 2004 9'35''
Schein und Sein I Computer piano and a pianist 2002-2003 5'05''
CHI-ruhende Kraft, Bewegungen 8 loudspeakers 2001-2002 13'05''
…Ausserdem 8 loudspeakers 2001 13'27''
Etuede Boesendorfer computer piano 2001 8'08''
Taipei Sketch Voice, instrumental occupation, tape and video [Y.M.] 2001 7'58''
Title Instrumentation Year Duration NCAF-funded
Scene III Video and audiovisual media [9 phrases] 2017 7'47"
Scene I Video and audiovisual media [19 / variable numbers of movements] 2016/2024 28'28" / varied lengths
Scene II Video and audiovisual media [4 movements] 2016/2024 9'16"
Fairy tale [MA und AH] Video and audiovisual media [19 stories, 16 musical bridges ] 2012 48'43"
Poetry set Video and audiovisual media [19 pieces] 2012 25'36"
Songbook series Video and audiovisual media [10 series] 2012 51'36''

* link to " NCAF online Archive of Grant Fruitages "website (in Chinese)

Title Instrumentation Year Duration
Compress Di, liuqin, pipa, yangqin, percussion, erhu 2009 7'30"