

  • 西班牙羅塔海岸聚落海廢創作,在移動中思索家的歸屬場域|陳珈汝|國藝會補助成果檔案庫
  • 西班牙羅塔海岸聚落海廢創作,在移動中思索家的歸屬場域|陳珈汝|國藝會補助成果檔案庫
  • 西班牙羅塔海岸聚落海廢創作,在移動中思索家的歸屬場域|陳珈汝|國藝會補助成果檔案庫
  • 西班牙羅塔海岸聚落海廢創作,在移動中思索家的歸屬場域|陳珈汝|國藝會補助成果檔案庫

此次駐村展覽是三位駐村藝術家的聯合展覽,作品名稱分別是Chia Ru Chen《contemplation inside an open shelter》、Suan Seol《how long does it take to get used to》、Flora Assumpcao《corrales azules》。我們在理解地方的文化與歷史脈絡後,以全球環境轉變來討論我們關心的議題。在Rota舊城,有建造於1928年的公共市場建築,二樓為PINEA-LINEA DE COSTA畫廊,展覽空間分成三個部分,讓觀眾沿著動線體驗不同創作者的創作媒材,作品間也彼此穿插,創造展覽場域的多樣對話。






Now our society become more complicated, because of globalization, climate change, refugees and natural disaster. When we pursue the high efficiency, we over consume the natural resource imperceptibly. However when we talk about this kind of control with consuming, it happens naturally. For example, people want to have better life, so they go to work and buy something to raise their children in the family. Even so Chia Ru not just believe human only pay attention to pursue the sense of satisfaction but also sense of belonging. She tried to go around rota and pick up local natural waste dying from beach and forest. And she practiced the natural materials as objects to create open dialogue with the light of line and shadow of nature.

From the process, Chia Ru started to understand and explore mutual transformation between human and nature. She thinks that mutual transformation is associated with geography, memory, industry and history. The installation also consists of a video projection. The video is about shadow of the palm tree in the wind, traditional fishing area in Corrales de Rota, drinking water machine along the beach, the texture of dying plant, and etc. They end up disappearing as image with motion of line.

The installation is another perspective to let audiences have time inside to contemplate the transformation between the environment and human in the future."Is there any clear line of demarcation between the land" "Who belongs to whom?"
