Those who store wheat are not penniless! Those who bring grist to the mill of the GMO lies deceive those who are penniless.
Those who lead the art market impose their tastes. Their clients swallow anything without the slightest objection.
Those who claim that business is business denude those who are busy searching a job.
Those who do not march when the people march and defy injustice, rush into commercial fanzones to sell out their humanity.
Those who believe in divine justice often cross off brotherhood on earth.
Those who polish their ego on social networks pack up and go when social movements chant that We are All Equal!
Those who shed crocodile tears drown shipwrecked migrants a second time.
上述為第29屆法國馬賽錄像藝術節的宣言。今年,法國馬賽錄像藝術節主題為「State of Poetic Emergency」:當代錄像與數位藝術總是在動盪的國際、社會、政治脈絡下發展,對於陌生事物的恐懼、公民自由的式微、對於人性的懼怕、對於解放的欲望⋯⋯。電子詩學卻創造出一種新的語言,以不同的方式思考這個世界、參與這個世界的轉變。法國馬賽錄像藝術節,長年關注於媒體藝術(錄像與數位藝術),今年透過全球各地1000位藝術家,評選出25件優秀錄像藝術作品於本屆藝術節期間展出,展出作品涵蓋錄像、單頻道、裝置、表演、實驗紀錄片等。藝術節活動期間放映來自46個不同國家的藝術家之136 件錄像作品及行為藝術表演。